Saturday, May 12, 2012

May Days

So much has been happening in Tinks Cottage and we are full and savoring the flavor of the goodness of God. This season I have been in a Bible study called LIFE led by women in love with God and His word. It literally has been a SPIRITual journey and the word has come alive in many ways with different scripture. Maybe when I have some more time I can unpack more of it.

Homewood FIT is flourishing and one of our classes is packed full, I will talk more about a ministry oppurtunity -WOD for Women- later this week. New things are coming forth and we met with a couple late into the night last night discussing sharing our story with people...details to come. SCARY, but good.

Praising the Lord for all his kindness in our journey. This all SCREAMS his name.
All of it! I want people to hear that if nothing else. None of it is me or us. For whatever reason He chose to walk me into the desert, give me streams of living water, change my life, redeem me in the pit and then from the pit and set my feet high on a rock.

Now onto May Days with the Banshee's and the Mascot. A typical scene. Porch+Popsicles. Summer is screaming our names and we are ready.

Gracious I love this man, aka "The Weeper". He loves the Lord and is a man of honor and character.
I am glad to be his wifey!

Mascot: Charlie.
Still adjusting, but ours offically. He is a gentle giant and cannot get enough of me which makes me banana's. If for some reason I ever wonder where he could be, I simply look down.
Sweet Chuck as Owen calls him

 My cofffee date with a hilarious guy who says outrageous things, loves to laugh and is smart as a whip. I love you my little bubby!!
Yes, it is true. I am old, really old. I am stepping out of denial and embracing it.
Sweet hubs bought me a cake from Savage's and surprised me, which was delightful, and again notice Chuck is making sure he is right with us. Sweet Charlie!
I celebrated that night with some girls from church. No pictures, but they were kind with a yummy cake also and a beautiful bouquet of sunflowers. Grateful for another year!

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