Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Acts of Worship and iPhone dump

Life is one big act of worship. Whether it be the creator or the creation, I am constantly worshipping something. I have learned and am learning so much during this season and applying The Truth, The Way and The Life. Jesus came to set us free, he came so we may live, not only eternally but also here in this fallen, broken creation. I love being around others who have hit a bottom, whether it be addiction or legalism, and have been set free and get the fact to the core of their souls that only by God's grace are they no longer bound. I am not sure why I feel the need to share that, but I do.

God wants his people to be free. We are not in heaven, but we can live with joy, peace and life giving relationships. A LIFE group of girls who taught me a ton this spring, taught me more about prayer and living a spirit filled life than I had learned in 35 years of life. They have been seekers of truth and wounded healers, in a sense. I can't put into words yet, the bondage that I have been broken from in this season. It has been a gradual progression of God stripping me of all the junk I grew up with and how things were not OK, no matter how hard people pretended. I say this not in a blaming way, but in a factual way. The culture that came along with home, school and church was anything but authentic and really missed the point of the whole Gospel. A lot of behavior modification took place and thankfully I could not conform. God had to radically take me to a bottom and change me from the inside out. I still am processing a lot and am thankful for God whispering to me to ask a friend to do a Bible Study, which led me to this group. It's been amazing...more thoughts later.

And my iPhone is officially my new camera...

This is where I am at 5:45 every morning and I LOVE every minute of it

Charlie, Charles, fitting right into the life with the banshee's.
He is a gentle, old soul.

 Horse Pens 40 Bluegrass Festival. It was beautiful.

Sometimes we like to pretend we are rock stars, that we are 21 and have no children, but are quickly snapped back to reality when someone screams "your laying on my foot!"
I love this man. Deeply.

A typical scene in the backyard. My high heels get lots of use by the neighborhood girls.
Summer we are ready for you! One more day left of school!! YIPEE!!

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