Sunday, November 20, 2011


Marc's funeral was amazing. And hard. And surreal. My second time in that church in 6 mths at  funerals of men that were far too young to be dead. Makes me look at life in a totally different perspective.

Our friend Allison sang and literally sounded like an angel. A guitar and her voice. Be thou My Vision and His Eye is on the Sparrow, and at the end Farther Along. She did amazing and shook the place. I still just can't believe it, no one I've talked to can.

Great news, Marc was a believer. He had spoken about it, in his own way, I just never knew his exact beliefs/theology. If it were based on how he lived and how he treated others then their would be no question. His priest spoke so highly of Marc as many did.

Quotes that were found in his wallet
 "The Lord is my rock." Psalm 18:2
"In everything keep trusting God is with you, that God has given you companions on the journey." Henri Nouwen

The priest said of him "he gave others a quiet hope". That sums him up. He will be greatly, greatly missed by so many. Continue to pray for his wife. Her journey of a new life has just began. Her name is Janet and she is a precious, precious lady!

Through this I can cling to the truth that Marc is a new creation. He is free from his sorrow. He is made whole.
1 Corinthians 15:55
“O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?”

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