Saturday, October 08, 2011


"Goose" has now become "Gal". She is growing up and I find myself begging for more time before the world lures her little heart in. The days are long, but the years are short.

We are not sure how we are going to make it through the tweens, teenage years and much less to first grade as we navigate new waters with her. The clothes drama. The tears. The subtle manipulation. It has ramped up. Someone told me the "orphan look" is cool, not just at our school, but others as well. She has abandoned bows and smocks completely. And that is ok. I do want her to be her own little person and be who God created her to be, not who I want her to be, but also shepherd her heart and guide her through peer pressure. The turmoil and angst that she feels about clothes right now is shocking. As I type this, she is in my face with a t-shirt wondering what shorts she can wear.

 I am 34 and still feel the urge to cave and feel needed, included. There is pressure being a girl and being a mama. Only, only can joy and fulfillment be found in Christ, not your clothes, house, friends, spouse or decorating. Gentle reminders come through my own gals struggles which remind me of my own.
Praying the Lord will help me guide her to Him, to fill her up and she will see early the emptiness of worldly things. In the meantime.... Jesus help me.

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