Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Two themes during this season have been swirling around in my head. The first one is something our family has tried to focus on...Worshipping the Creator not the creation. Focusing solely on who and what Jesus did for us and worshipping Him not the things of the world. We constantly have to keep coming back to this and being reminded. Often one of the banshee's will bring it up and ever remind us where we are putting our hope, the idols we are making.
The eldest has sunk slowly into the depths of greed. The HUGE Lego sets he got were not enough. Opening presents leaves him dying for more, asking, demanding why he doesn't have more...it would never be enough. Sadly, after a few days of telling him he was being really greedy, the hubs and I had a revelation. I too was a child filled with greed, but ultimately I think it is a longing that was misplaced but no one understood it to guide or mentor me into what was really going on. Our child who was demanding more is doing what I did as a child and have done as an adult. To an extent we all struggle with this, it just looks differently for everyone....
He is longing for heaven.
Once the light bulb went off for us and we were able to help him see the need for more was not about presents, yes it was a form of greed, but ultimately it was a deep, deep longing for heaven. Not sure how much sunk in, but the boat was turned from shaming to understanding, which as parents was a good turn for us to take. As a child I just remember everyone telling me "don't do this, don't do that, don't be greedy, don't be selfish"...ultimately it was more about behavior modification than a heart change.
The second theme I heard on Christmas Eve at our church Brookhills. It too is a simple concept, but has stuck with me. "Jesus came for the self-indulgent and the self-righteous". So growing up we ran in circles that leaned more into the "self-righteous". Condemning things were said about those who were self-indulgent and made clear to me to steer clear of folks like that. The pendulum swings and I become an adult and go to a church with a lot of self-indulgence and a message that proclaimed steer clear of the self-righteous. BOTH are wrong. Both are Pharisee's. I still swing in and out of both worlds at times.
The good news is today I know who I am...a sinner in desperate need of a mighty Savior. I don't need to sit and wallow in self-indulgence nor do I want to because CHRIST alone has changed my heart and at the same time know that it is nothing I have done, but what has been done for me. A huge change for me has been grasping the concept of humility.."not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of your self less."
It is all about Jesus who came so many years ago for sinners such as I. Praise His name.

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