Thursday, July 14, 2011


So, thankful for these days. I want to bottle them and capture every moment. It has not always been so, and I am thankful and grateful that we are enjoying the peace and joy we are experiencing. MH jumps before church and as I eat breakfast, I capture the moment above.

This is what I see each time I look through my front windows that bring in beautiful light and a refreshing view. The Crepe Myrtle is in full bloom and it pops amongst the green of the other tree's. The picture is through my window and does not do it justice.

My camera is fogging stepping outside from the AC into the intense heat. The work up a sweat in less than a minute.

"His mercies are new every morning"
 (This cute thing had a horrible, embarrassing, horrific meltdown at the creamery yesterday. It involved flying shoes, loud screaming, flailing and lots of sweat as I had to carry his out-of-control self 4 blocks home. Tiny pinching works when you don't want to spank in public...just FYI.)

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