Sunday, April 24, 2011


 The Lord is Risen indeed! How grateful I am to celebrate Easter with family and the resurrection of our Savior. It seems sweeter each year to me as I embrace my own depravity and unworthiness more and more. Thank goodness we have a Savior who lives, who we can trust, who cares for each and every detail of our life. We are full. We are blessed.
This is our last Easter in the Manor. My, how bittersweet that is. We still wonder where we will be hunting for eggs next April and which community of believers we will be celebrating with....we live a day at a time, open to wherever he calls us to go, hoping by June we will have a clear answer.

I have no words about this fellow. He is extremely charming, strong-willed, witty, all boy, and he has all our hearts. Today he was running around the Grands in just a diaper, we found him sitting in a dirt pile, giving himself a dirt bath....he is too cute to get too mad at and I fear he is going to be rotten to the core. He plays his role well as the "baby banshee". I am praying a lot for the teenage years to come. He has no fear.

1 comment:

  1. your mama hasn't changed a bit! please tell her "Hello" for me. your family is beautiful and strong.
