Monday, February 26, 2007

Days like this…. today was one you want to hang onto forever.
You wake up to squeals of delight over your children seeing each other for the first time since last night. Your children’s laughter makes you laugh out loud; there are belly laughs over a splashing fight in the tub. Hudson announces “he has mono, laughs and then exclaims that is silly b/c mono is just for girls” (fyi mom has mono). There are grass stains on knees, bottoms, and shoulders from playing so hard and you don’t care. Moles become the topic of the day (Hudson told me “I love you mama, I am so sorry you have that mole on your neck!), they learn how to polish silver, clean windows, and dust the furniture. They learn the difference between lakes and oceans, “no Hudson, sharks do not live in Oak Mtn lake.” They learn how to throw a Frisbee, and put a kite together. You take a trip on a “ship” (a fallen tree in the woods) and pretend you are about to be eaten by whales, and this provides a good hour of entertainment. “I scored a catch” rings in the backyard as Hudson kicks the soccer ball yet again into the goal. You also get to skip again, which by far is one of my favorite things, along with shutting my eyes and leaning back on the swings today, and going really, really high and jumping out. Squeals of excitement are earth shattering as you pull in the driveway and see not only daddy there, but Casey too. You go to Tuskegee, AL on a row of chairs that instantly becomes a train, you learn yoga from the “manny” after dinner on the kitchen floor, and how to make perfect balls out of playdough.
Life is alive and exciting every waking minute. You cry b/c you must go to sleep and can’t b/c you are afraid you will miss something of this exciting life. There is still innocence in learning, in loving, and enjoying everything you did today. The world is so new, so exciting, you aren’t jaded yet by the world, this fallen world. You truly love and enjoy your family and want nothing more than just to be with them. I am thankful that for this brief time I have with these two amazing little people that teach me far more than I can begin to fathom. They make me laugh a lot, and right now love me honestly and unconditionally. It’s an amazing, beautiful thing. I want to hold onto these days, but know life moves on, but oh these days, these glorious days, I pray I remember each one.

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